Wednesday, September 26, 2018

People Think Amazon AmazonBasics Microwave Is Smart or Stupid Idea?

As people know, Amazon began to sell microwaves, which can be connected Alexa. Amazon sells it in a low price and other and threatens other microwave manufacturers.

But many people think it’s a stupid idea to put automated technologies like microwaves. I listed why people think it’s a stupid idea.

Before you see people's thoughts, you can see the details of AmazonBasics Microwave HERE

That’s pointless  pushing the button is easier.

This whole "smart home" thing is starting to get ridiculous. Whats next? An alexa-powered toiled for voice activated flushes?

"Alexa, take a potato from the fridge and microwave it before I got home" would be more useful

I still don't understand why people put these NSA wet dreams in their houses and now cars.

Soon Alexa will be in our dishwashers

God I will never understand why people are obsessed with voice control. Pressing a button or using a remote control is never hard for me

Speaking as a lazy person, this microwave Alexa combo is stupid

This is what restores my faith in human civilization, thinking about are accomplishments 
even as small as an Alexa powered microwave

I mean you have to put the food in the microwave so you're already next to it to press the button this seems pointless

Why? Just why? This is like putting Alexa in a toothbrush, doesn't makes sense.
This seems like a pointless feature for a microwave, since you still cant use the microwave at a distance (you have to be there to put food inside of it, check the temperature at the end, etc)

Probably took 5 times longer to ask Alexa than to just hit the button, but a microwave for 60 bucks isn't bad at all, even for one without any smart features.

Trump was right! They are spying on us through our microwaves!

So... are these personal assistant bots expected to take a dump for you as well in the near future? Sigh...

I am tired of my amazon echos. Half the time they don't hear well the other half they don't know the answer.

I can't even muster the language to convey how idiotic this is... All there is in brain is muffled screaming. I don't even know I what I just typed.

With this microwave, it actually takes longer to start the microwave by using voice than it would by just pressing a button, this is totall​y pointless.

No point for this, you still have load the potato into the microwave and get up to retrieve said potato :( And who cooks food in a microwave anyways?

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