Sunday, December 29, 2019

How To Make Money In High Competition Youtube Environment

Google has a huge amount of data that can't be compared to other search engines in the world. When we make a search in google, the search result also shows list of Youtube videos related to the key words.

But as with any medias, initially Youtube was a lack of user interface and less fun; at that time I used Youtube only to watch TV program I missed and music videos of singers.

But as time goes, Youtube were getting more users since the concept of personal channel and personal brand is recognized by many people; from this time people thought Youtube as a media that individuals could make money.

Because of the idea that people can make money, the amount of contents on YouTube has been growing exponentially. But I wonder if I can really make money with YouTube.

In order to make money on YouTube, the content is important, the content is also a lot of views and popular content is a lot of competition. A lot of competition means that my uploads aren't on top and won't be searched.

But you don't have to worry too much. Just as each person's abilities and hobbies are different, doing something you really like will definitely give you a good chance on Youtube. 

I used a online training course to overcome difficulties as a Youtuber and CLICK HERE to see the details.

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